
Chipmunk Removal And Control

Chipmunks may seem like charming, harmless little creatures that add a touch of whimsy to our yards and parks. But don't be fooled by their endearing, Disney-esque appearance. Chipmunks can, and often do, pose a considerable problem to homeowners and businesses alike, especially here in our local area. The species commonly found in our locality is the Eastern chipmunk, measuring about 11 inches long including the tail.

These little creatures are not merely the cute, harmless beings they seem to be. While it's true they serve some ecological roles, such as helping in seed dispersion, their activities can significantly disrupt human environments. Chipmunks are industrious burrowers, creating extensive tunnel systems that can destabilize structures such as sidewalks, driveways, and even the foundations of buildings. And let's not forget about their insatiable appetite for bulbs, seeds, and seedlings, leading to significant damage to gardens and landscapes. 

Statistically speaking, chipmunk populations fluctuate depending on the availability of food. However, in urban and suburban areas where food sources are consistently available, their numbers can quickly spiral out of control. To give you an idea, a single female chipmunk can have two litters per year, with each litter consisting of two to five offspring. That's a potential increase of up to ten new chipmunks per female per year. 

Here's a lesser-known fact about chipmunks that can also cause problems - they're carriers of various diseases. These include Lyme disease, which they can pass to humans through the ticks they carry, and also a type of salmonellosis that can be spread through their feces. These health risks add another layer of concern when dealing with chipmunk infestations. 

We're not here to demonize chipmunks. But it's crucial to understand the potential issues they can bring to our doorsteps. After all, we're talking about our homes, our safe spaces, places where we invest our time, resources, and emotions. These potential issues caused by chipmunks are not something to be taken lightly.

Effective chipmunk control is a multi-step process that begins with assessment and identification, followed by the implementation of exclusion strategies, and finally monitoring to ensure the problem doesn't reoccur. It's not a task to be attempted by the faint-hearted, as it requires a thorough understanding of chipmunk behavior and the best practices in humane animal control.

Contact us, the professionals at CatchIt Wildlife Control. We are the #1 nuisance wildlife removal service in Central Illinois for all of your wildlife control needs.

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